
Budapest Airport Development Area – Cluster 4

Year of design:
2010 - 2011
Gross floor area:
171 700 m2
Senior designer:
Béla Bánáti
Project leader designer:
Zoló Nyirati
Éva Kátai, Gábor Korintus, Regina Kurucz, Hoffman Gabriella, Vass Zoltán
Budapest Airport Zrt.

In 2010 Budapest Airport commissioned our office to draw up the development plans for the 70 ha of unused Cluster 4 area.
The basic functions designated for development were given on the basis of the result of preliminary market research: the area is to be used for the purposes of logistics services, retail and a business park.

Basic development principles:
– The division of the targeted function groups into plots proportionate with area to be developed, with consideration to economic and marketing aspects.
– Exploitation of aesthetic and marketing possibilities resulting from air transport with characteristic architectural and landscaping elements that may be easily identified from the air.
– The application of innovative green technologies and architectural instruments that are in line with the current green character of the area.
– Good possibility for development in phases both in the development area and within the individually established plots as well.

Since then the first development element has been completed: the Hungarian headquarters of the DHL logistics service provider moved to the territory of the Airport, which was also planned by our office. During the planning process we were happy to experience that the principles used during development and the plot division proved to be appropriate, the DHL building was smoothly integrated into the preliminary development concept without any problem.
