The plot is located in Budapest, in Dembinszky utca which connects the downtown to Városliget. The development in unbroken row, typical of the inner areas of Erzsébetváros, extends also to this part of the district. Dembinszky utca is a narrow street with a real metropolitan atmosphere, while the mixture of styles of the last century Renaissance and Neoclassical houses makes it colorful and exciting at the same time. To this downtown street of historic, turn-of-century atmosphere, we designed a residential house satisfying contemporary expectations and architectural demands while respecting the proportions and strict design of the neighboring buildings. The proposed building intends to fit in the row of buildings that were fashionable at the time of their construction, and it also tries to cover contemporary architectural trends and taste. The perforated, loosened brick surfaces appearing on the façade create a transition between the solid brick cladding and blank surfaces retracted from the façade plane. Also, traditional brick cladding appears on the building with a novel approach.