2015. 12. 12.
Szakmai események

Cooperation with SANAA in the New National Gallery project

Liget Budapest
National Gallery
New National Gallery

The new National Gallery of Hungary will be built under the ’Liget Budapest’ project according to the plans of the Japanese SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates) architectural firm. The Pritzker Prize winner SANAA has already designed numerous museum buildings in Asia, North-America and Europe.

SANAA entered into partnership with Bánáti + Hartvig Architects in order to make the plans applicable for the local regulations and constuction practices. The associated firms cooperate with several other professionals both from Hungary and other countries.

The project consists of two phases: conception and execution.

During the first phase the international team led by SANAA is in charge of elaborating the plans to be permitted, with the continuous support of local designers.

As the works progress, the tasks between the designer teams will gradually transfer: from the foreign designers who are responsible for the design and conception to the local ones who are in charge of the plans for the building permission. The designer of the building permit plans will be Bánáti + Hartvig, however, the copyright related to the design remains with SANAA.

During the second phase, SANAA will gradually transmit the informations to the Hungarian designers who will elaborate the execution plans.

In order to preserve the integrity of the design and its harmony with the plans the international team responsible for the conception takes part in the works until the construction works finish.

Picture: ligetbudapest.org

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